Van oude broek naar nieuwe autostoelbekleding

From old pants to new seats

The mountains of old clothes are growing massively land are largely destroyed instead of being recycled and returned to the textile industry. Old textiles are a valuable raw material that can be easily reused. FBBasic is working with imat-uve, Texperium,...
Green Recovery Statement

Green Recovery Statement

Ruim 200 bedrijven hebben het Green Recovery Statement getekend, en wij zijn daar één van. Gezamenlijk pleiten we er voor om duurzaamheid als hoeksteen te nemen voor de corona-herstelplannen.  Goed om te zien dat meer bedrijven duurzamer willen gaan ondernemen en...
Circular Footwear Alliance geeft praktische invulling aan European Green Deal

Circular Footwear Alliance puts the European Green Deal into practice

Today EMMA Safety Footwear, Allshoes Safety Footwear and FBBasic launch the Circular Footwear Alliance (CFA). A milestone in the sector: for the first time two competitors join force for a greater purpose. Together Allshoes and EMMA provide enough scale to really make a circular system work in practice. It is therefore a tipping point in using and reusing raw materials, because the ambition is clear: no more waste by preserving raw materials. The first 100 collection points have already been equipped.
Het XXL-Probleem

The XXL-Problem

Less than a percent of all textile used worldwide is recycled maintaining the high quality. And this, while the textile industry is considered resource intensive. Together with Imat-UVE and a number of other parties, FBBasic is investigating how we use ...