Welcome to FBBasic!

The Urban Mining Company

About us

FBBasic focuses on the regeneration of raw materials. We do this by transforming linear production- and consumption systems into circular systems, that we strengthen step by step.


Raw materials are scarce and are becoming increasingly scarce, especially in Europe. Using less raw materials only postpones the inevitable – running out. This calls for a different view of raw material extraction; regaining is the new standard.

Who we are

FBBasic was founded by Frans Beckers. We work with a core team, but above all with an enormous network of specialists. Our people have a lot of experience and work on the transition to a circular economy.

A shared mission

Don't let any valuable raw materials go to waste! Current recycling is 98% passive: only when we have the product in our hands do we start to think about recycling and refurbishing. Our mission is to switch to active recycling: next use is incorporated in the design phase of a product.

What we do

We recover raw materials. By developing, supervising, operationalising and supplying tech tools. We help companies, government bodies and institutions to convert their linear production and consumption system into a circular system.

Our team

FBBasic has its own core team, and works with a vast network of experienced specialists.

Prior to fouding FBBasic in 2012, Frans worked for 15 years in the waste management sector, 5 years in the health sector and 7 years in the chemical business. Already more than 25 years he focusses at raw materials recovery through product and system innovation.

In our core team a number of knowledge domains and competences are united, amongst which on raw materials, materials, product design, project and proces management, supply cycle management, disassembly, refurbishment and recycling, but also on dedicated IT applications and communication. From this core team we conduct and manage projects and support our own companies. If and where necessary specialists from our direct or wider networks are being connected.

The FBBasic network is inexhaustible, which means that we are always able to put forward knowledge, experience and competence, but also have access to the latest insights and developments, both at companies and knowledge institutions. Collaboration is key in a circular economy. Cooperation between fields of knowledge and experience, teaming up between actors in a supply cycle.

Frans Beckers

Founder and owner

Core team

Circular experts

Our network

An extensive network of experts

Our services

FBBasic focuses on the four elements shown below, the elements of a circular system. Where necessary, we also provide support to companies tackling topics like business model innovation, marketing & communication and change management. We develop, offer support and optimize. In addition, we operationalize return logistics, recycling and provide tech applications through Cirmar.


Product Design

A smart and circular design is crucial to create the possibility to regenerate parts and raw materials of a product for a next use phase. Products need to be designed in such a way where it is clear in advance what use period is defined, how they are composed, but also how an easy after use disassembly can be established, safeguarding material value and quality.
FBBasic supports in the development of circular strategies and concepts, and accompanies product design, where requested supported by certification or SDG impact reporting and communication.

Reverse logistics

When creating circular systems, efficient reverse logistics are crucial. Challenge is to avoid that contamination takes place with products and materials that are not designed for circular systems and are still classified as waste. FBBasic cooperates in a network of facilities and logistic organisations, so materials can be collected at the source and possibly already be assessed and sorted.

Refurbishment & Recycling

Product design and recycling technologies are slowly converging. If it is already known in the design phase of a product how the product should be disassembled after being used, the proper and affordable technology should be available and used too. FBBasic knows these companies and technologies, initiates innovation in this field and brings -again together with cooperation partners like Agricon Nederland- questions, solutions and companies together. If needed FBBasic can also participate in these operational activities.


Recuperated raw materials, brought to specification, will have to be recognizable and available for the market through a uniform nomenclature. This requires product identification, tracking and an insight in the positive, quantitative impact on for instance a selection of SDGs. Through Cirmar faciliteert FBBasic dit door middel van C_passport® en C_dashboard®.

Let’s play the circular way

1 April, 2024

The day that the use of raw materials in the Netherlands exceeds the amount earth can provide.

9 Billion

Mouths could be fed if we restore the earths humus layer.

1 Month

Urbanization is happening at such a high rate that every month a new city with 18 million residents could arise.

1 garbage truck

Of textiles is burned or landfilled every second.

Our circular network


Hoe implementeer je een schaalbaar DPP?

How to implement a scalable DPP?

Dat is de vraag die we met de expertgroep Digitaal Productpaspoort gaan beantwoorden. Samen met SRC System Integrators en GS1 organiseert Cirmar deze expertgroep als onderdeel van het ShoppingTomorrow onderzoeksprogramma van de Thuiswinkel.org. Meer dan 30 aangesloten...

Read more

More information? Contact us! You can find us here: info@fbbasic.com